
Showing posts from December, 2020

Voice over/special effects

                     To begin the process of my voice overs/audio inserts, I needed to have certain equipment and materials. My close friend provided me with a mic, and also was a great help with the music and special sounds. The mic's quality of sound performance was on key, however the audio for the monster was just my own voice but inserted onto a computer app and distorted. Luckily I had a friend who was an expert at technology and was able to adapt my voice in a voice simulator and change the frequency and accent. Step one of my progress was complete, of course it was all saved on separate files. Next I needed to record my own lines for each part of internal dialogue in my script which didn't take long. Each recording was saved in a separate file and then worked upon by myself and my good friend Eric to check for any mistakes in sound. There were a few bumps in the road when testing out the audio changer for the monster, certain recordings were becoming too loud and cracke

Editing process on Laptop pt 3

   This blog is going to elaborate on the finishing touches of both my edits on the scenes with props and without. In the past few days I have completed a majority of editing for both sections of my film and saved them on a drive. Today I worked upon completing and putting both sections together to create my final film within Imovie. FilmoraGo wasn't very useful in the end run and I decided not to go ahead and finish my film on that app. On Imovie I dragged all the footage I had edited and first looked at the length, which turned out to be around 5 minutes which is where we need it to be. Not over 6 and not under 5 so my length was at a reasonable size, then came time to rewatch for any errors. As I put each scene in the corresponding order in which my story board was created, I found that some transitions weren't going as smooth as I hoped it to be. Now this issue may come from the app itself, but as seen that I've used it before it meant that I needed to fix something. Th

Editing process on Laptop pt 2

                The next set of scenes which I needed to edit was my scenes which included props. Those scenes were shot after the scenes without and were given more time due to the immense amounts of retakes. There were about 10 duplicate shots taken for each scene which filled up my drive quite a bit and forced me to take action on looking through and deleting many. In the next few hours I decided to take a chance to look at all my scenes. I went ahead and deleted all of the unusable footage and kept all the ones worth editing. Each scene of course was put into the app, however I used a couple to see which one would come out the best. For the app itself I decided to use both Imovie and filmoraGo, in order to capture detail and see what effects are different between them. I started off by clipping the unused footage and taking out sound for the scenes which included voice overs. That process alone took quite a while since each scene that I used not only had one or two duplicated, but

Editing process on Laptop Pt 1

                The of editing of my end scenes as well as my pictures for my characters was being done on my phone. Now comes my first step/process of editing on my computer using editing apps. For these editing softwares, I decided to use two which were free and able to be accessed on my laptop. These two editing apps are called, "Imovie", and "FilmoraGo", however Imovie is the main one I used. I decided to go with these two since they were free and both were apple product editing softwares. In the future I may come across some type of software which works better which may be stated in my up coming blogs about my editing process. For now these work, they are simple and take clips and do as necessary by cutting them and inserting transitions from scene to scene. I kept Imovie, since my phone had the ability to access the app and transport over the edited clips so I went from there. My beginning process was trying to start on the editing of the first scenes which we

Music research

           Music is no doubt a really important aspect in filming. Well for my film in particular I decided to go beyond finding music from some one else, I decided if I needed music Id use my friends piano/keyboard. My friend Eric is a learning musician and decided to take interest in piano which to me helped greatly. He thought of getting either a musical or electronic one, and the decision for electronic was the better one. He could be able to create different songs and effects all by pressing buttons. Sure, back before I wanted to incorporate him I did decided on finding samples of sounds but the longer the process the harder it was. I wanted to try and challenge myself in creating something new that others wouldn't think off. Take the approach to my back ground sounds for example, the sounds I use for the scratching and the monsters voice are all going to be edited versions of sounds I will be preforming. It came to me as I research from certain horror movies how sound in inco

End Scene re-film

              As the day began, I began to look over certain scenes from filming from the past couple days. Within the time of looking over, I came across certain mistakes which were posed in the final end scenes. I started to edit the scenes which were the shortest and do certain cut downs with the longer scenes and came across a few errors in my final scenes which I filmed. The first of the problems was the camera angles and the characters facial expressions. In the last few shots including the monster and the character reaching for the painting, my mid shot was to far down and included the knees up which wasn't what I was going for. The facial expressions of the character also seemed to be pretty forced as instead of having a scared face, the actor seemed to have a confused facial expression. These few detail were easy enough to fix as the whole day I was able to film the last scenes. I began the scenes with a new approach, I kept the lighting the same and had the facial express

Character head shots/Tweets/Website tweaks

                After the filming process was in completion, then came the work being done for the characters. With the film also comes different forms of media which must be touched upon in the process. With the media link accounts and our official movie website, I needed multiple picture of my character. The first picture started as my profile picture for my movie website and all four media accounts, the idea for my main picture sprung from kidnapping and was transformed into a man who was tied up and having cried black tears taken in black and white. This process was for our website as we needed to show our audience a picture which correlated back to the film. For the profile picture came the idea behind our painting, the painting resembled the most important item in the film, and due to the fact that the prop I used was my own design I decided to take a picture of my re-created painting. These touches are being worked upon and edited so as it being processed and posted may come by

Second film take/Editing website

                As winter break came to a start, the process to film the second scenes began which included the scenes of only props. The period between the first take of scenes till now was built with task to gather up my props, and midterm studying. As I retrieved my props for filming from various locations I began to film. The props all had different scenes and all need crucial time to set up right so I had help from my cousin Noam who also was the camera man behind the scenes. Coming to a start was the begging on scene nine and ten, scene nine had a wall which had blood dripped down the wall which of course was "fake" blood. To make this happen I needed to get the right poor from the top of the wall to drip down which overall took a few tries and clean ups, but in the end came out very well. We shot the Establishing shot and focused on the next scene with the envelope. Now this was wasn't to difficult to create, we needed an envelope which had the words "OPEN ME&