Second film take/Editing website

             As winter break came to a start, the process to film the second scenes began which included the scenes of only props. The period between the first take of scenes till now was built with task to gather up my props, and midterm studying. As I retrieved my props for filming from various locations I began to film. The props all had different scenes and all need crucial time to set up right so I had help from my cousin Noam who also was the camera man behind the scenes. Coming to a start was the begging on scene nine and ten, scene nine had a wall which had blood dripped down the wall which of course was "fake" blood. To make this happen I needed to get the right poor from the top of the wall to drip down which overall took a few tries and clean ups, but in the end came out very well. We shot the Establishing shot and focused on the next scene with the envelope. Now this was wasn't to difficult to create, we needed an envelope which had the words "OPEN ME" written on it, then have a letter which seemed to be old and blood stained for the character to read. As Noam point the camera towards the letter and took around three shots until perfection, I had been making the one and only letter trying to devise it as a nineteen century letter with cursive writing. We placed the letter in the characters had once done and began to take shot of that specific scene, which only took about one try as my hand never shook in the process. With the next few scenes on the way, we placed all the clocks within the hallway for the fourteenth shot. It wasn't to hard as each clock was just placed and couldn't move, however we needed to have each clock within a different time. After the clock scene came the fifteenth scene where Jason pulls out the watch from his pocket in order to reveal a lost memories. This came as one of the few easiest scenes as this was just a POV shot of a watch within my hand, a plus as the watch i've had with me for years. The "fake" blood made another appearance with the collaboration of the flashlight and candles in scene sixteen and seventeen, the living room scenes. We started by pouring the blood on the objects within the living room and setting up the candles lighting the room a bit, then shining the flashlight as Noam took the shots, which came perfectly after a couple shots. With the approach to the final scenes we needed, it came to the point of the last prop to be used which was the painting with no face. This was no doubt the hardest prop to use as it was a painting in which i destroyed to cover a face then hang up in direct view. It came out perfectly and hung to the exact place we needed it to, finally with the camera shooting the last scene we took a final run and completed all the scenes we needed, however many scenes came not so great which may be edited back once we start the computer editing. Once the day of shooting came to a close, I spent the last hour of the day working on taking a picture for my profile in the media website accounts. I needed to make one profile picture and one picture as the main poster shot. I decided to go with the creativity of a man who was tied up and mascara bleeding down with the monster behind him. It came out as a great poster cover. While the profile picture is the painting with no face being covered up and redesigned by myself. After finishing to work on those two pieces I placed them on the website, and waited for the next day to come.

 Here is a practice version of my Envelope prop.


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