Editing process on Laptop pt 2

             The next set of scenes which I needed to edit was my scenes which included props. Those scenes were shot after the scenes without and were given more time due to the immense amounts of retakes. There were about 10 duplicate shots taken for each scene which filled up my drive quite a bit and forced me to take action on looking through and deleting many. In the next few hours I decided to take a chance to look at all my scenes. I went ahead and deleted all of the unusable footage and kept all the ones worth editing. Each scene of course was put into the app, however I used a couple to see which one would come out the best. For the app itself I decided to use both Imovie and filmoraGo, in order to capture detail and see what effects are different between them. I started off by clipping the unused footage and taking out sound for the scenes which included voice overs. That process alone took quite a while since each scene that I used not only had one or two duplicated, but also needed to be transferred between two apps. The overall quality of the apps didn't decipher that much, however Imovie seemed to still work better in my favor. There was in total about twenty minutes of cropped out unused footage in my backup drive, not including the saved clips. Once the cropping was finished, I needed to start working on both transitions and sound. The sound wasn't so difficult as all I needed to do was cancel the background noise for any scene which needed a voice over, not too many. The transitions on the other hand were a bit hand full as each scene went together but the transition from one to another had a second skipped and caused my process to come to a halt. The fix wasn't entirely hard, it needed to be adjusted by the time and the correct spacing between the kept footage and the cropped, however after about thirty minutes of trying the time seemed to be fixed and each scene corresponded with the correct time. As the sound and the transitions seemed to be in play, this was when I began to mess around with the lighting. Now came filmoraGo, this app was designed to help with light editing causing me to mess around with the settings and uncover some new tools. I changed up the lighting in the dinner scene to a white glow beside the character and have the rest of the room tinted dark. It wasn't a part of the final product, however I encountered a few up's in the editing of some scenes and decided to save them on my disc, the ones I liked were moved to the final clip of prop scenes. Once I finished with my lighting edit's as a part of research, I saved the progress and in further days put all the clips together as a finished product.


                                Here was the phone I used for filming. (Wasn't stated in pervious blog)


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