Short Film Vs. Featured length film

One aspect within the short film which was not to be found in the long film was the insertion of sound. The short film contained no actual sound from the characters only having object sounds. The full length film contained around nine separate characters which all portrayed their own speaking voice, I believe that the short film was meant as soundless audio to only pertain what was going on. Unlike the longer lengthen film which create story plot and character development. Speaking of character development the short film portrayed two characters which were puppets numbered nine, and five, however with the long film there were nine puppets: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The story spread out the characters with there own description in the featured film, each had their own definition. Nine was the antagonist and main character, eight was this big body guard for number one, number seven was a trained puppet useful to protect, six was a creepy misunderstood character who wa...