
Showing posts from October, 2020

Short Film Vs. Featured length film

        One aspect within the short film which was not to be found in the long film was the insertion of sound. The short film contained no actual sound from the characters only having object sounds. The full length film contained around nine separate characters which all portrayed their own speaking voice, I believe that the short film was meant as soundless audio to only pertain what was going on. Unlike the longer lengthen film which create story plot and character development. Speaking of character development the short film portrayed two characters which were puppets numbered nine, and five, however with the long film there were nine puppets: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The story spread out the characters with there own description in the featured film, each had their own definition. Nine was the antagonist and main character, eight was this big body guard for number one, number seven was a trained puppet useful to protect, six was a creepy misunderstood character who was crazy for a sourc

Research 9, the featured film

        This movie was so inspirational, it was a peak highlight in motion picture animation movie.The newly adaptation of the film was a add on to the short film, it carried a few aspects to the movie with the ending as well as some of the characters. My personally preference was just to personally say that this was an amazing movie, filled with high quality editing and motion capturing as well as plot/character development expressed further on. The main plot/summary to this movie was about this world after a large attack by machines which had adapted to learn and focus on humans, these last soul survivors where puppets which each had a piece of soul fragments of the scientist who created them. Each of them where numbered 1-9, each character will be delved deeper into, however the story continued as the search for identity came, where these puppets where, who was attacking them, and how many more where there? Nine which was the main antagonist had ventured out and discovered multiple

Research 9, short film

      This short film was created in such a creative way. How i interpreted this movie as a story where these puppets numbered (9) and (5), both are trapped in this scavenger apocalyptic universe with a creature hunting them down. They seem to have this glowing alien type of technology in which it beeps whenever this monster grows closer, and or even have a connection between both of these puppets. As this film goes on a scene appears where one of the puppets dies while the other must run away, in a very creative chasing scene the puppet makes a trap for the monster in order to gain some time, once given he finds an edge of this wooden floor beam. Puppet (9) got the monster to fall off and then it died, or just well got trapped. In the end of losing a friend he figured out that these two communication devices when connected create a holographic message of the soul which has passed, as this machine captures the soul which posses the bodies of these puppets. Overall I loved it, the intri

Genre choice of film

          My main genre was horror which is what i wanted my film to be based behind. I always loved horror as a child due to the thrills and chills you get while watching those types of movies, which is something i thought i can capture in a short film. Horror has many aspects to it, including music, sound effects, lighting, and jump- scares. All these aspects are key, the sound effects are what made me truly interested in it behind the fact that many sounds are created by random objects by a mic, for say a loud bang/ thunder is created by a loud hit to a mental trashcan, or bones crunching can be a large amount raw pasta broken at the right time. It just makes it a lot more fun to create your own sounds with objects you could find at home. My film itself is a film based on a character who wakes up alone with a task to find an object before time runs out. The horror aspect is behind the evil spirit which torments the character while he searches for this missing item. Lighting is anoth

Genre Research Pt 3 Science Fiction

                                                                         Genre 3- Science Fiction     A- CAMS- Camera angles used in Science fiction movies can be ranging from close up shots to wide shot. The close up shot is mainly there to provide insight to the looks, and textures of the creature or being among the film, or any type of aspect that the character is looking upon. The wide shots are mainly used to express setting to the watchers. The movie consists of places that aren't possible in the real world which is why we use wide shots to show where the movie is being taken. Actors are once again designed to look interstellar or any way they'd like based on the movie, or even the actions they complete must be a different form that humans. Movements i've seen has been professional gymnastics but created in a form where the body twist and bends to give out an alien like appearance to distract from the world wide human connections. Medium long shot is used to portray o

Genre Research Pt 2 Action

                                                                                      Genre 2- Action A- CAMS- Camera angles, actors/design, movements, camera shots. High angle is a camera angle used to portray a character who needs to look up at something, action films that are shot in the scenery of tall building are needed to use this angle shot so that the scene commencing right after can continue with the knowledge of the actor. OTS (Over the shoulder), used in the primary battle scene of one guy against another guy, to symbolize that we are standing behind one of the fighters, it is a good use to establish the start of a long take fight scene.  A ctors portrayed in action movies tend to have a outfit either to resemble a heist/spy scene where they wear all black, or formal for the interrogation and stealing to happen other times it's there for the actor to have long sleeved clothing to risk the damaged to themselves. Movements are required by the actors capability and perform

Genre Research pt 1 Horror

                                           Genre 1- Horror A- CAMS- Camera angles, actors/design, movements, camera shots.  Close up, tracking, and hand held, are all famous camera angles within movies. Close up shows one's emotions to what ever in happening in the film, a reaction to something scary, or a thought which is spoken by the main character shown through a close up. Within my film ill decide to use a close up at the very end scene with the monster/evil spirit taking my character into the darkness as the camera focuses on his face until he's taken into the shadows. Tracking if often used to portray movement in a single shot. I'd love to use it within my film during the scene which my character drags himself through the hallways in one take from the room he started in to the empty living room area of the house. Finally comes hand held, which is the perspective of the character with the camera in a hand held position showing the audience his reaction to what may be