Research 9, short film

      This short film was created in such a creative way. How i interpreted this movie as a story where these puppets numbered (9) and (5), both are trapped in this scavenger apocalyptic universe with a creature hunting them down. They seem to have this glowing alien type of technology in which it beeps whenever this monster grows closer, and or even have a connection between both of these puppets. As this film goes on a scene appears where one of the puppets dies while the other must run away, in a very creative chasing scene the puppet makes a trap for the monster in order to gain some time, once given he finds an edge of this wooden floor beam. Puppet (9) got the monster to fall off and then it died, or just well got trapped. In the end of losing a friend he figured out that these two communication devices when connected create a holographic message of the soul which has passed, as this machine captures the soul which posses the bodies of these puppets. Overall I loved it, the intricate details behind the sound only captured by movements of the puppets and creature. The coloring design of the green glowing machine, as well as the brown leather stitching on the puppets. Within the short film I managed to spot three characters, the first being a puppet engraved with the number (9), the second being the puppet engraved with the number (5), and lastly a monster like creature meant to resemble a dog liked hunter. The actual progression for the characters lied in number nine, as he saw his best friend get his soul sucked out of his body, and his final minutes of trying to escape life in order to reunite with the world. Number five had a good introduction as being the companion to nine however he perished quite soon, and the creature having full screen time until his death when he failed to kill number nine. I'd say the plot is a fight for survival, these puppets were granted life within these bodies however they became trapped in this scavenger land and need to escape this soul capturing creature. In the end one of the puppets make it alive, knowing that number five has been trapped within the machine which glows green. Some very creative special effects and details i've noticed within the short film where, the glowing of the machine which are accompanied by the puppets, the bow-staff opening while the puppets prepares for battle, and finally the capturing of the soul it's self from the puppet which alluded to the soul capturing sense. The coloring of the green light played a huge role, as the whole land and scenery has been made up of dull coloring, however withe the shin of the green most watchers are pointed to the colors. The collapsible bow-staff came from the protection scene, was very most intriguing to me as it must have taken a couple frames to create a staff which folds out in such a short time. The actual full body capturing of the soul by the technology had most definitely been CGI effected as the whole movie is, but it's amazing to see full color immerse from a dull object to signify the essence of a soul present. Now about a few other details pointed out in the process of creative this film, the usage of creating these characters smaller than normal items in the world is amazing, it's a miniature world signified by the hight difference between the puppet and the child's doll. Another aspect to this film is the attention to sound, where it only plays with movement and actions portrayed by the puppets and the monster. For example, number nine running along a wooden board which can't carry a certain amount of weight, you don't hear the breathing of the puppet but just the creaking of the board as it's portrayed not to carry a certain weight. Another being the monsters attempt at breaking free from the trap, all you can hear while focusing on the film is the creature screaming as mental sounds appear with the conjunction of a trap. It's a motion picture short film with the intention to create an escape scenario for it's characters. Overall I most enjoyed the short film and the immense work put into creating it.


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