Research 9, the featured film

        This movie was so inspirational, it was a peak highlight in motion picture animation movie.The newly adaptation of the film was a add on to the short film, it carried a few aspects to the movie with the ending as well as some of the characters. My personally preference was just to personally say that this was an amazing movie, filled with high quality editing and motion capturing as well as plot/character development expressed further on. The main plot/summary to this movie was about this world after a large attack by machines which had adapted to learn and focus on humans, these last soul survivors where puppets which each had a piece of soul fragments of the scientist who created them. Each of them where numbered 1-9, each character will be delved deeper into, however the story continued as the search for identity came, where these puppets where, who was attacking them, and how many more where there? Nine which was the main antagonist had ventured out and discovered multiple numbers along the way, and decided to figure out the source of this madness, after discovering that these machines take the souls of the puppets away, nine and the rest decided to find and end what has caused all this to happen. Multiple deaths lie in the process however at the end the whole group figures out the truth behind their own creation as well as the way to defeat the machine, in the end all the remaining souls carry on to go and live free, as the soul survivors begin a new journey. The character shown in the movie were puppets with numbers who all had there own story. The main antagonist was number nine who was the newest addition or in words the last to be created, who was the one which wanted to seek knowledge, born without the ability to speak however gained that through number two, not to mention that his character development stemmed from him portraying leadership among the rest. Number two was an old puppet, naturally born for his intelligence and creations, he ended up being the first to meet nine and also the first to die by the machines, he was known by the connections given, a part of the group which was lead by number one. A king of sort who ruled and thought he knew all, number one was a greedy, scared little man who wanted only to control power and never give it to the puppets who served him. His character development only stemmed at the end when he had sacrificed his own life to save nine, however throughout the movie he was selfish and unable to trust anyone. Number's three and four, simple twins within the story who learned and used this form of smelling which was seen through the eyes. They captured messages and audio for the characters to see, mainly just protagonists who helped when they could. Number eight, he was the muscle the power, and or the body guard to number one. His presence was to ensure safety and act as the toughness that number one lack. Throughout the film he seemed to care and follow the orders given by number one, until a seemingly little amount of trust went towards number nine. Number seven, the most badass protecter and plot expander. She was shown in a backstory as a women who cared and wanted to protect all soul's. Within the movie she did exactly that, she protected she gained her spot light by being fearless and standing up to protect and ensure safety. Now number six, one of the creepy and still unknown characters to me personally, all I had gotten from him was that he may have been mentally insane with his drawings about the power tool, and the source. Not much is said about him however in the end he developed an understanding for number nine about the ending. Lastly the final character is number 5, a simple kind one eyed scared explorer, a loyalty to the king and a friend to number nine, he mainly gained a friendship to number nine and had his back the entire movie. Counting the machines, the few machines which were portrayed in the movie were a hunter dog, a bird, and a creepy looking snake all created and controlled by "the brain", or mother machine, created by the scientist to better humanity however that wasn't the case. Special effects within this movie are a lot to unpack as this whole movie was an animation movie, a few parts which i was able to pin down in the movie as special affects where three things; The lightning of the machine powering up, which happened when the machine decided to power up in the movie, it had this lightning effect to it which to me personally seemed like a nice touch, the explosions and fire aspect portrayed in the movie where special effects used to keep the realism of the world, the burning of the church in which number one claimed had burned down as well as the underground headquarters which burned down and exploded to create a huge fiery explosion. The final special effect I had found within the movie was the green affect when the machines had taken the souls of the puppets, it had a sound and a full body aspect to it to create a dynamic imagine for the viewers eyes to capture. The directional style of the movie was mainly just an animation movie with sound and special effects, given to a comparison of the short film, this one had a huge gap in adaptation of quality and time. Overall I enjoyed this movie and hope to have other people watch this brilliantly created film.


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