Genre Research Pt 3 Science Fiction

                                                           Genre 3- Science Fiction

    A- CAMS- Camera angles used in Science fiction movies can be ranging from close up shots to wide shot. The close up shot is mainly there to provide insight to the looks, and textures of the creature or being among the film, or any type of aspect that the character is looking upon. The wide shots are mainly used to express setting to the watchers. The movie consists of places that aren't possible in the real world which is why we use wide shots to show where the movie is being taken. Actors are once again designed to look interstellar or any way they'd like based on the movie, or even the actions they complete must be a different form that humans. Movements i've seen has been professional gymnastics but created in a form where the body twist and bends to give out an alien like appearance to distract from the world wide human connections. Medium long shot is used to portray ones appearance in a movie, which is key to a science fiction movie as appearance is contradicting to the human way. EWS, extreme wide shot, it's used under circumstances that need to show and import the scenery of the movie to elaborate that science fiction genre is upon the movie and not being taken place in real life with normal possibilities.

   B- Production towards a Science Fiction film/movie, comes with immense amount of thought and editing, using music, sound, and certain objects/creatures. In the 1982 "Tron" movie, the sci-fi esthetics used include lasers, and high pitches car sounds. Although the movie focuses on the usage of futuristic technology the sounds include ones which have an echo and high pitched sound to it, with color added create a neon futuristic vibe to the movie which is seemed to be the premise of the movie Tron. The connect the sound to light, the brighter the light the higher the pitch to that sound is and vise versa.

C-(CLAMS)- Costume design for a science fiction movie, may dwell deep into the format of space and interstellar travel, however the design can be any sort of costume, it is up to the imagination to create as there is no certain boundaries to the movie which is being created. Usually the stick by the colors scheme of humans but some movies like "Avatar", had been genetically modified by a computer to resemble blue texture. Lighting is meant to be a signal warning or just a spotlight attention in science fiction movies, where it's either a call to danger in certain movies, warning people or characters with glowing red lights, or bright white lights to symbolize the spot light of one single character. Actors jobs in science fiction movie is just to be prepared for anything to come, the acting must originate to provide detail that they are not in a real world, and the movement may be based being any acrobatic system where it defines the normal movements of human beings. Make up is very very important, where it is texture added, changes to any body parts, colored skin, or even extra added extremities. The make up can be used for anyone or anything within science fiction movies. Setting is usually created in outer space/ interstellar, but most recently it has been created to preform behind high technology based hologram and simulations.

D-Editing used in science fiction movies tend to be "fade in", and "cross cutting". Fade in is usually used in the begging on the scene or the end. Science fiction uses it to transition from an interstellar planet to then having a scene with the people either among that planet or from another world. With science fiction the possibility of CGI is unlimited however they must have transitions from the non realistic things to the realistic which is the purpose for fade. Another one I have found to research is cross cutting the action of going back and forth between conversations. A good use of this is by having to different species or locations within the movie, having cross cutting takes both conversations and keeps the screens going back and forth to have both locations previewed in the scene while also having the actors speak to one another.

E- "Ready Player One" (2018), was an excellent candidate for the science fiction movie premise, it had a story line basing off the future technology of the world, where people from all around the world can create their own avatar and live among the simulation, the avatars within the movie bring out the aspect of the science fiction, where each avatar is customarily built by the person and can be created in any size, shape, form, and color. "Avatar" (2009), also came from the perspective of higher based technology where a persons mind is transferred and captured in a real life simulation. The aspect behind the science fiction is the models based behind avatar where it is full body creatures similar to humans but have blue skin and blue colored features which break the bounds of what is possible.

F- An aspect to Science Fiction movies I enjoy is the the multiple range of characters to be expressed in the movie. When it comes to a science fiction movie the limit is endless to the possibility of characters, look for instance on "Ready Player One", where the end scene made around thousands of avatars to join in one screen from all different sizes, and color scheme's.

G- One thing I hate a lot within Science Fiction movies is that they tend to become a lot unrealistic in their own sense of using to much CGI. The whole premise is to be creating a movie based upon the unrealistic, but using a huge budget among a project which seems to be reliable to CGI takes away the importance of being a movie. Using it to input a non living creature on the planet which we live in is acceptable, but in such a high amount is not tolerable in the sense that it makes the movie seem fake. 



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