Genre Research Pt 2 Action

                                                                     Genre 2- Action

A- CAMS- Camera angles, actors/design, movements, camera shots. High angle is a camera angle used to portray a character who needs to look up at something, action films that are shot in the scenery of tall building are needed to use this angle shot so that the scene commencing right after can continue with the knowledge of the actor. OTS (Over the shoulder), used in the primary battle scene of one guy against another guy, to symbolize that we are standing behind one of the fighters, it is a good use to establish the start of a long take fight scene. Actors portrayed in action movies tend to have a outfit either to resemble a heist/spy scene where they wear all black, or formal for the interrogation and stealing to happen other times it's there for the actor to have long sleeved clothing to risk the damaged to themselves. Movements are required by the actors capability and performance, they must be acrobatic or having some form or tolerance for cardio or exercise, a backflip is a common movement, or just punching, having a fist fight and hand to hand combat is an appropriate approach for action scenes. Tracking shot is a main usage in action films, to continue a scene where it may be a running, or chasing scene to keep the action aspect, they use it all the time to help keep the connection of the audience and the actor without losing any of the suspense. Another one is a close up to help convince the audience what the actor is seeing, commonly used in scenes which involve explosions, it switches to a close up shot of the actors reaction to what has happened in front of him, or even just used to reveal the main bad guy.

B- Sounds portrayed in action movies come in many types of forms. Some may be based on the props, (car engine), people (Yelling/narration to a scene), Massive explosions (Buildings, or places). Sky-scrapper (2018), is an action based movie with multiple sound usages for action packed thrills. USM (Ultra-sonic medium) is used within the movie, for the explosion scenes, per scene each explosion is different which can be changed by using USM which changes shape with the ripple of sound. Another example is used in the movie Logan (2017), to create the sound of wolverines claws in battle scenes, the behind editors had used kitchen knifes sharpened together to create a sharp sound. For any type of sound you'd use it's possible to create anything, within my movie if it where to have an action approach, i would use a motorcycle reveling audio clip to put in the foreground, signifying that something or someone is outside.

C- CLAMS- Costumes design in action movie, may also be depicted by what the movie scenes may portray in them. A action spy movie may have scenes including formal clothing, while also sticking to the all black outfit for the spy aspect we know and love. It's also shown to be any form of long sleeved or long pants due to the scenes they shoot, many are in air or within stunt that require the person to do all type of movements, they stick to this to maximum the amount of damage they can take without injury to the skin. Lighting is more drawn to the stunts which they preform, as any part of the movie which consist of building or spot within the place they film have lighting, but to increase the maximum effect they use lighting to edit some portions of explosion scenes, or even dinner scenes to bring the spot light to the one who may steal in the movie or be a bad guy.  Actors in action movies, are either required to know how to complete their own stunt they chose, or be physically fit to play the role they were casted, the more muscle and meat on their bones the more attention they grasp and more they can tolerate when pushed to certain limits. Make up is used only to create effects on the actors after a scene has occurred, say a bomb blew off, the make up would be to darken the skin with either cuts or blood to symbolize they experienced the causality, its all used to fool the watcher into making it seem as if that person had been living that traumatic experience. Setting is usually set within a openly large area, in order for scenes like chasing, explosions, fights, etc. It can either be in an open rural area or an enclosed city with lots of buildings for action scenes involving hight, they love to use their surroundings within action movies so the higher the better.

D- Colors, are a huge factor when it comes to editing scenes for an action movie, without color inserted into certain scenes at the right moment the scene loses touch from the audience. Explosion shots, from any type of military graded weaponry must not only consist of color with a realistic color scheme, but also a size in expansion. Within the action movie Deadpool 2 (2018), there can a scene where "Wade Wilson" blew himself up, yet in real life that couldn't be possible but the importance of having editing tools allowed it to be, with a copy of a real explosion in mind, they take a mass measurement and compare it to the scenery itself, then use color to blend from the light of fire to the darkness of ash. It's beneficial to get the most realistic scenes one could have without preforming live dangerous scenes in real life. Another common editing tool would be scenery editing with a green screen. Now this is typical for every holly-wood movie but it's needed in order to establish a connection to the place in which the movie takes place without the actors actually going there. A good film example is "Captain America the first Avenger", train scene, where Captain America sip lines a mountain to get upon a train, it's all used by a green screen to fool the audience but keep a budget low and not being able to travel to certain places in order to film. Within my film, no green screen may be needed but color may come to affect if i were to burn a candle then light it with hair spray, keep the effect legit but improve the quality of lighting and color to burn brighter to appeal the eyes of whoever is watching.

E- "Mission Impossible- fallout" (2018), follow the actor Tom cruise, who is also similar to Jackie Chan in how he does his own stunts. This movie i chosen to use as an example is that fact that it has a premise, the goal, the conflict, the sequence between scenes, the explosions, and dangerous life threatening performances. What makes it a top notch quality action film is the amount of money and time spent of it, from using a literal plane scene where Tom Cruise held onto a plan as it went in air without CGI, is a quality everyone would be impressed by. Seeing such a thriller scene makes people hooked into the movie, not to mention the amount of explosions by military graded weapons to experience color and sounds included in the mission these actors are played in.

F-Stunts, crazy performances attempted by actors. A very famous actor by the name of "Jackie Chan", is an actor who does all of his own stunts where he risks his life to entertain us fans. The way in which some people go to over reach the limits possible is insane to me and it makes me fall in love with action movies, just to know that some of these most dangerous actions preformed are real, the things that us average American people would never attempt to do.

G- One aspect behind action movies that I despise is the immense amount of CGI work used within it to create explosions. Sure some forms of explosions must be CGI based to ensure the safety of other actors, but to create a movie with so much inserted into it loses the focus of having an action movie where the actor is doing all the work and experiencing on the spot. Some part within an action movie must be authentic with military graded explosions to capture the eyes of people watching, yes some and mostly all CGI effects go unnoticed, however to have it would also be beneficial in the long run of not costing as much or wasting as much time in the final product.


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