
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming process for short film

        Starting from Saturday, November 21 till Tuesday, November 24, I began to film for my short film. With this process came the challenge of starting to film certain scenes with and without props. Getting into the characters and filming process, we start with myself being the main character "Jason", and my cousin Noam who plays the shadow creature as well as the camera man. I choose to have Noam as both since the shadow figure has only a few roles towards the end, and once his scene comes i'll have my father film the last few scenes. On Saturday came time for me to film, I decided to take parts of my short film which didn't include props since that time I didn't have all my props ready. The first few scenes I believe up until the bathroom scene was shot. It mainly included close ups of myself and then tracking of the character walking. It was reasonably simple as the dialogue was internal for all of those scenes which meant I could insert my voice speaking ov

Props for short film

    Within any movie or short film, one must have certain props to create detailed scenes and bring forth attention to their genre. As I began filming for my short film, I decided to focus down and pick seven props to use. Each prop will be used in different scenes but all have a connection within the film, as my genre is horror many of these will have a connection to that specific genre. Starting off, my first few scenes involve one of my props, " Note ". The note within the film is this paper with direction the main protagonist must follow in order to survive, bringing the anticipation higher. Continuing from that scene comes " Blood ", now this prop will be used in the wall scene continuing from the note. As the character reads the note he sees a wall with blood dripping down from it. This does play a role in the horror aspect and brings into key as the blood is shown as a symbol for the shadow creature, as well as the note. Next comes " Clocks ", this

Social Media Accounts for Short Film

           Within this blog I will be discussing the further actions I took on my website for my social media accounts. One aspect of the A level Media class is the requirement for a website to be formed with social media platforms linked to that specific website. Within this website comes four separate media social accounts needed; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Before I started on these websites I needed to figure out a name for my short film. My short film is based on a horror movie, which made me think of titles giving off a scary theme to it, not to mention my character is trapped within a house. The aspect was the name itself, "Trapped". Once I had my inspiration and name behind my film, I needed to create four separate accounts yet each account had the same username as it followed with my film. The username which I chose was a formation between the title of the film and the actor's name, called "Trapped_Jason". Now as much as I wanted to keep

Story Board for short film

                  This assignment was to create a story board for our 5 minute film project. When I created this story board I followed the certain format which my script followed per scene. Not only did I have the whole movie portrayed within my mind, but I knew what I wanted to draw per scene. For the drawing aspect I decided to take pictures of each scene in action with my father to help me as the character to get a good idea at what i'm looking at. For the writing aspect is where some of my script came out in, as I brought each scene to live stating what was going on in that one box which is one scene, not only did I number them I also stated whether there was dialogue or not. Within the text box to show which camera angles I wanted to use, I wrote each angle or camera shot per scene. During this process it took me around three to four days, as I needed to collect the pictures, then draw out each scene to the best of my ability as I do tend to call myself an artist although not

Planning for short film

           My short film, has yet to be filmed and during this time I am on my way to prepare the steps needed to film. Begging on this process is my schedule, with my schedule comes day where I can and can't film. Throughout the whole school year and on I have created a schedule based on the days in which I can film and with that information I can decided for about 3-4 days. Those days include Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, now about time management with those days comes a working challenge. With Wednesday and Friday my filming time must start after 2:40 as this is when school ends, but for Saturday I have all day to work on filming, and Sunday must be after 4:00 due to my work. The days that I have not mentioned are days in which are taken by busy work, Monday and Tuesday are school and then my job, and Thursday is my scheduled gym and college prep, however things could always change in editing those around, however I do indeed have a base set up. Next on the list comes