Filming process for short film

       Starting from Saturday, November 21 till Tuesday, November 24, I began to film for my short film. With this process came the challenge of starting to film certain scenes with and without props. Getting into the characters and filming process, we start with myself being the main character "Jason", and my cousin Noam who plays the shadow creature as well as the camera man. I choose to have Noam as both since the shadow figure has only a few roles towards the end, and once his scene comes i'll have my father film the last few scenes. On Saturday came time for me to film, I decided to take parts of my short film which didn't include props since that time I didn't have all my props ready. The first few scenes I believe up until the bathroom scene was shot. It mainly included close ups of myself and then tracking of the character walking. It was reasonably simple as the dialogue was internal for all of those scenes which meant I could insert my voice speaking over it at a separate time. With scenes one through eight being shot multiple times, I then started to map out the rest of the scenes which needed to be taken on Sunday before we got our final props. On Sunday, Noam came over and we started to shoot the rest of the scenes which did not include the shadow monster or the props yet. Scene twelve, thirteen, eighteen, and twenty, were all scenes which could be filmed not involving the creature or props, and some including internal dialogue which meant no speaking. Noam had the camera as I told him where to film, and how to film which meant which camera angle needed to be used. For scene twelve was the scene where I would walk outside into the hallway as the camera would pull into an establishing shot from the end of the hallway. As time came to a close with the amount we had on Sunday, we got the few takes of each shot we needed, and the rest of the day went into getting the final props. Those props included; fake blood, costume, and painting. Begging Monday wasn't the best planned day in my schedule which meant I needed to film a few more days just as a start. Getting each scene right took multiple tries and still mounts of editing needed to be done. Starting with the bedroom scene, we used the fake blood on the walls and used a note to complete those scenes. The wall needed an establishing shot which took multiple tries of getting the blood right and then the notes both had a close up and a POV of the character reading it, which needed to look decent so it took multiple tries as well. As the day came to an end, the rest of the scenes being filmed were going to take a few more days within the break itself, however I am confident that these scenes may be completed before the return to school.

A picture of a prop which we needed to get on Sunday.


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