Planning for short film


        My short film, has yet to be filmed and during this time I am on my way to prepare the steps needed to film. Begging on this process is my schedule, with my schedule comes day where I can and can't film. Throughout the whole school year and on I have created a schedule based on the days in which I can film and with that information I can decided for about 3-4 days. Those days include Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, now about time management with those days comes a working challenge. With Wednesday and Friday my filming time must start after 2:40 as this is when school ends, but for Saturday I have all day to work on filming, and Sunday must be after 4:00 due to my work. The days that I have not mentioned are days in which are taken by busy work, Monday and Tuesday are school and then my job, and Thursday is my scheduled gym and college prep, however things could always change in editing those around, however I do indeed have a base set up. Next on the list comes my location, this wasn't a problem as the effects of Covid made sure that I wasn't able to film anywhere else. It brought a challenge but in fact made it so much more fun to create a story within my home. My location is going to be my house, the full 5 minute video has been script written to be at my own house, each scene includes different sections of the house, however it will only be taken place inside. I would have chosen somewhere within the outside world if I were to work within a group, however Covid restricted that action as well for my personal preference as everyone I decided to work with wasn't able to be in contact due to the health code they follow. Participants are key within a film, within my film I will be having 2 actors and 1 camera operator. My short film was about a man trapped within a house and needed to escape with a goal, this in my mind only took two characters, a guy and a shadow figure. For the main protagonist I myself will be acting in his position, and the shadow figure even with a costume must have someone play it which will be my friend Noam. Noam will also be the camera man as within the film he wont be shown so he can be doing several parts, as he is one of the only people I can have contact with at the moment. The health and safety is to be assured when filming, due to the location being my house the safety will be essential having my father on stand by with medical supplies incase of injury. A speed dial of 911 will be on backup for purposes of extreme injury which is unlikely to happen, however it's given, due to everything being shot within my own home. One of my favorite parts about this film will be the props used throughout. I have placed each prop within different scenes to play an important role. The props I will be using are: Clocks within the hallway scene to signify time rapidly changing as the man is unsure of the real world time. Candles within the living scene lighting up the darken room to illuminate the blood on the items. Note within the bedroom scene which is given to the man as his prime directive to find the missing painting. Blood both on the walls and items of bedroom and living room scene to signify the demon/monster within the house. Flashlight used within the dinning room scene, when it's pitch black and the character uses the flashlight to illuminate where the painting is hung. Painting the last and most important item, as it's the key to my story the mystical item which the creature wants the human to find, used with the final scene of the film. Finally comes the costumes, for my characters which are only two ill be having a costume of regular clothing which may be ripped for the main character as in the begging he didn't know how he ended up in this house, so he could have significations of past trauma before waking up in this abandon house, as for the final character being the shadow creature, I decided on having a black ghost like costume, it wont be fully shown as the whole house would be dark however when the light shines on this creature you can see the mask which he wears and the dark long ripped robe he wears. 

                                     Source of media- house which I will be filming at. (My house)

Costume idea + Prop idea (1 of each)
My costume may be a combination of the picture below.
One of my props include clocks of different forms telling different times.
(Some of the clocks will look like the pictures shown below)


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