Social Media Accounts for Short Film


   Within this blog I will be discussing the further actions I took on my website for my social media accounts. One aspect of the A level Media class is the requirement for a website to be formed with social media platforms linked to that specific website. Within this website comes four separate media social accounts needed; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Before I started on these websites I needed to figure out a name for my short film. My short film is based on a horror movie, which made me think of titles giving off a scary theme to it, not to mention my character is trapped within a house. The aspect was the name itself, "Trapped". Once I had my inspiration and name behind my film, I needed to create four separate accounts yet each account had the same username as it followed with my film. The username which I chose was a formation between the title of the film and the actor's name, called "Trapped_Jason". Now as much as I wanted to keep this consistent, a problem came up with Facebook where I could only put the name of the character as the Username. In sense I used Jason, however adding a last name not presented as information beforehand, however it was the initial name of the character. Now speaking upon each media source comes with a bio, a bio being a short description as what to expect when media is being published on the accounts. For all I kept the consistency by using a bio promoting the establishment of my movie in works, the casting of Jason, and now it will be coming in theaters soon as a marketing establishment. Each website was different as I exclaimed whether it was either Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube. During the creation of my Wix website, many attempts were initially tried to get the website's links onto Wix. It was a tough process with multiple attempts to get the link to go straight to the bio, then some being uploaded then not working. Overall it came out perfect having each link correspond to the right page. The Wix page in which I pasted the links also has its own horror theme type of aspect towards it, it's created as a personal website to show the media side of the film. Next process to the website includes character background as well as producer background and locations. My next step for my media links is to create a background photo and start to establish my music and emails towards the usage of music I can take a hold off on my film.

 This is an example of one media platform for my short film, which is on twitter.     


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